Call for Papers - Dissemination Track

This year, WOA 2024 will host a special Dissemination Track to encourage the submission of papers already published over the last two years, and whose authors desire to share them with the WOA attendees.

Submissions to this track have to make a direct reference to the original version of the paper.

A limited number of papers submitted to the Dissemination Track will be accepted, depending on the slots available (papers submitted to the WOA 2024 main track will have the precedence).

Papers accepted to the Dissemination Track will be granted a slot for oral presentation, but will not be included in the WOA CEUR proceedings.

Topics of interest for the Dissemination Track are the same as those for the WOA 2024 main track:

  • Adaptive, animated, and personality-driven agents
  • Agent-oriented software engineering
  • Agent-based languages and platforms
  • Agent-oriented methods and development tools
  • Agents and objects
  • Agents and sensor networks
  • Agent-based modeling and simulation
  • Business process management
  • Compliance
  • Coordination, cooperation and communication for agents
  • Formal models for agents and MAS
  • Hardware and software infrastructures for agents and multi-agent systems
  • Industrial applications of agents and MAS
  • Learning, planning and reasoning for agents
  • Monitoring
  • Security, trust and responsibility in MAS
  • Next generation socio-technical systems
  • Software agents and the Web
  • Standards and interoperability for agents and MAS
  • Theoretical, conceptual and ontological basis of agents and MAS
  • Agent-based enabling technologies
  • Intelligent tools and devices for smart collaboration
  • AI-supported models and tools for remote working
  • Digital and Sustainable Mountain
  • Multi-agent systems for remote working in mountainous territories
  • Multi-Agent Systems, agent theory and technology related to AI
  • Human-Agent Interaction
  • Software Engineering techniques for agents and Business Process
  • Collaborative Business Processes, and Process Mining
  • Socio-Technical Systems



Papers can be submitted in their original format (preprint or editorial version), but it should include a cover page containing the Title, the authors, the abstract and the complete reference of the publication (i.e., venue and date).

Papers can be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair, select Dissemination Track


Preference criteria

It follows and ordered list of preference criteria for the selection of papers:

  • Relevance to the topics of the workshop
  • Papers whose authors do not already present a paper in the main WOA track
  • Journal, conference and workshop papers (in the order)


Important Dates

Submission deadline: June 4, 2024

Notification of acceptance: June 7, 2024

Workshop: July 8th-10th, 2024