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Psychological sciences and techniques

It enables the acquisition of a basic training in the psychological disciplines with the priority aim of the pursuit of studies in the field of psychology. The course offers training in methods and instruments of empirical research, the biology and physiology of the nervous system and then develops over the three-year period knowledge of the dynamics of the individual, groups, organizations and communities.
The degree course includes 10 CFU of practical assessment training (activities required for professional qualification at the end of the master’s degree course) and 6 CFU of workshops.

Duration: 3 years.

Credits: 180.

Attendance: recommended for courses, compulsory for at least 75% of the scheduled hours for workshops and practical-assessment training.

Discover more at this link Corso di laurea in Scienze e tecniche psicologiche | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (univda.it)