Online services
The Aosta Valley University provides the following services for its users:
In the Intranet area, MyUnivda, reserved for the University users you can access numerous services, for example anti-plagiarism software and the information covering access to all the online services described on this page.
There is a public area in the web area dedicated to Teaching Services Secretariat (Segreteriaonline). This is where you can find all the courses on offer, teaching programmes and timetables plus an area reserved for individual students showing their study progress and where they can carry out admin tasks such as registering for exams and presenting study plans.
Students have to use their university login details for verification in order to access the University computers plus the relative software.
University students, academic, administrative and technical staff can all use the wireless connection service for network access with their own portable devices or smartphones. This internet access is free.
The University badge, in partnership with the Banca Popolare di Sondrio, serves as student identification for all the University’s curricula activities and more. The “Badge Ateneo+ is a “Smart Card” to be used for a variety of services during the students’ time at the University. More information
The University of the Aosta Valley provides its students with several photocopiers that have been set up to save documents in various formats: external drives and digital documents, from simple A4 sheets to pages from books or magazines. The guide for photocopying paper documents.
This online forum would like to develop communities of students and the academic staff for research and joint learning. Online courses are considered “blended”, integrating remote and face to face activities.

Office 365
The University provides access to a series of licences and Microsoft Office 365 services to all its users (students, academic and administrative staff). These include the complete version of Office Pro Plus for 5 devices, a 50-gigabyte mailbox and 5 terabyte of space on OneDrive. These are all accessible logging on with your University login ID.
The email address given to all the University students is the main means of communication to and from the administration and academic staff. It is advisable to set up automatic download for your email on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) following the instructions in this link and to check your email daily.
Centralised verification – IdP – Identity Provider
University users can access web services through this centralised verification service using one-off credentials (Single Sign-On – SSO).
SPID – the Public Digital Identity System can also be used for verification, where available, without University login ID or in the case of an expired password. This can be done by clicking on the “Access SPID” (Accedi con SPID) button instead of using the University login details. For more info about SPID – Maggiori informazioni su SPID.
Click on the link for assistance during the Univda web service verification phase assistenza durante la fase di autenticazione ai servizi web Univda.
Remote assistance
Download the remote assistance app and contact the IT office for help