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What can you do in the library?

Most of the documents in the library located in strada Cappuccini are on open shelves and can be read in the study room next to the library.   

A specific request should be made to the personnel for dissertations, audio-visual material, and for some of the more important items. They will locate and handover the required material. 

Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, dissertations and documents published more than 60 years ago can only be consulted in the Library. Whilst practically everything else can be borrowed. 

At the library counter located in Via Monte Vodice, you can consult examination texts and dictionaries.

The number of documents that can be borrowed and for how long depends on who makes the request (students and administration staff, graduates, academic staff and teaching or research staff) and on the type of document (exam texts, other volumes, periodicals, audio-visual materials). 

In order to borrow books you should fill in the online form and join the Library. 

You can use the IT workstation in the periodical room in the library located in strada Cappuccini to access the online databases that the university subscribes to. You can also login with the univda wifi using the computers in all the University buildings and your personal devices.  

To consult these resources remotely, simply follow the instructions on this page and enter your University identification details.

The library personnel are available to help you find what you need. You can get an appointment for anything more complex.

You can request books and copies of articles that the University doesn’t have using the interlibrary loan and document delivery service. 


There is a fee for this service that varies depending on what type of document and if it comes from an Italian or foreign institute. Requests can be made filling in the form on the specific page on the University website.

Who can use the university library services? 

Anybody can access the online catalogue to view the University Library resources. 

On presentation of the university badge or an identity document, students, academic staff, administrative staff and any other teaching or research staff from the University or any other partner establishments can join the Library and make use of its services.  

External users can consult the documents at the University library by filling in the access for consultation request form.


The Library keeps, organises and has available a wide range of scientific content in different formats: books, periodicals, online databases, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, all for teaching and research purposes.

Databases and other online resources

The Library selects a range of free access online resources, sorted by subject. We have also subscribed to a number of online bibliographic databases, which can only be accessed via the University's internal network; they can also be consulted remotely by entering the University's identification details, following the instructions on this page.


The Library located in strada Cappuccini has CDs e CD-ROM, mainly for language learning with audio listening and exercises. There are also films on DVD with audio and subtitles in different languages.  


The Library subscribes to a number of periodicals regarding subjects taught at the University: single issues can be borrowed  for a week at a time, except for the most recent ones. Some of the journals can only be accessed online: this information is in the catalogue.     Periodicals are available only in the library located in strada Cappuccini.      


All dissertations presented at the University up until 2019 are kept in the library located in strada Cappuccini in a hardcopy format. These can be consulted onsite with the author’s permission. Dissertations presented since 2020 are only kept in digital format and are available online on the UniVdArTe portal.

Hardcopy Monographs

Located in an open-shelf system, according to the Dewey Decimal Classification, in the library located in strada Cappuccini. These include exam texts, books for research and reference items, such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Examination texts and dictionaries are available at the library counter located in Via Monte Vodice.


The  ReteINDACO platform gives access to a wide range of free digital resources: not just eBooks and magazine articles, but also music, videos, language courses… (you need to be registered with the Library for access to some of them). Some eBooks, part of exam syllabuses, are also available on digital loan for 2 weeks: the books are available directly from the online catalogue, searching by title and/or author.


The Library’s catalogue can be accessed online. You can find information on everything that is in the Library (books, periodicals, CDs and DVDs, dissertations, eBooks and the digital resources on ReteINDACO). 

As well as bibliographic information and the location of documents, the catalogue also has information about the current state of individual documents. You can see if a document is on loan and when it’s due back, if there are any other loan requests and if it is available to be borrowed or must be read on-site. Registered members of the Library, once logged in, can reserve a book, request documents and ask for deadlines to be extended as well as check their individual status.   


User rules and regulations for library services

Please read the Library services regulations for a detailed description of the rules and regulations for these services. These are tacitly accepted upon registration to the service.

Interlibrary loan and document delivery for other libraries

Interlibrary loan and document delivery for applicant libraries: 

The University Library guarantees interlibrary loans and document delivery. The service is free based on reciprocal agreements. When a library requiring a loan doesn’t have such an agreement there is a fee based on the following fees: 

–      ½ IFLA voucher single article document delivery. 

–      1 IFLA voucher monograph loans. 

Alternative forms of payment such as a PagoPa money order must have prior agreement from the University Library. 

Requests can be made online using the forms at the bottom of the page or with an email to biblioteca@univda.it  

Each individual request can be for up to 3 books for interlibrary loans or for 5 articles from periodicals or other documents for document delivery; no library can ask for more than 10 documents every month. 

Reference volumes such as dictionaries, valuable assets, volumes more than 60 years old, dissertations, periodicals and “EXAM” documents are excluded from being loaned out with the interlibrary loan scheme. 

The loan lasts 30 days, renewable for a further 15 days following a formal request sent before the deadline and if there are no requests from other users. The Library has the right to establish a series of restrictions on home borrowing for particular documents. The receiving library guarantees the correct use of the material and respect of the loan deadline. 

The Library is included in ACNP (the Italian catalogue of periodicals), NILDE (platform for secure document exchange) and ILL-SBN (document request platform). Monographs can be found on the online catalogue. 

Interlibrary loan request

Other libraries

Request for document delivery

Other libraries

The University Library is on the ground floor of the Aosta Valley University, Strada Cappuccini 2/a.

There is also a library counter located in Via Monte Vodice.

For any queries or information about the University Library and its services please contact: 

Tel. n. 0039  0165 1875250
Email:  biblioteca@univda.it



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To check any changes to library hours and access, please visit the university website