Academic calendar

The teaching programme is run according to the academic calendar including lessons and exam sessions as well as religious and other holidays.
The academic year begins on 1st October and finishes on 30th September the following year.
- First semester: from the end of September/ beginning of October to the end of January.
- Second semester: from the end of February/beginning of March to the beginning of June.
Specific calendars for lessons, for each individual degree courses, can be found using the following links:
Economics and business management
Orari lezioni | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Political science and international relations
Orari lezioni | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Economics and policy for regional government and private enterprise
Orari lezioni | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Language and Communication for business and tourism
Orari lezioni | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Psychological science and techniques
Orari lezioni | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Pedagogy for primary education
Orari lezioni | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
There are five exam sessions during the academic calendar:
- Winter session during January and February.
- Supplementary sessions in April and November.
- Summer session in June and July.
- Autumn session in September.
An overall view of all exams for all degrees can be found using the following links:
Economics and business management
Appelli | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Political science and international relations
Appelli | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Economics and policy for regional government and private enterprise
Appelli | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Language and Communication for business and tourism
Appelli | Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste (
Psychological science and techniques
Appelli | Scienze e tecniche psicologiche Univda
Pedagogy for primary education