
Sees the website univda.it


Inclusion & accessibility

Before matriculation

If you are a disabled student or have a specific learning disorder and would like to be admitted to the university you can contact the Students Office (’Ufficio Diritto allo studio e Segreterie Studenti diritto-studio@univda.it) in the months before the admissions deadline and discuss potential support systems, services provided and how to apply for them.  

Following this first meeting (not obligatory) if you have the intention of applying for assistance during the entrance exam (required by the degree course in question) you will have to attach the certificate to your admission application for your degree course as evidence. 

Certificates for specific learning disorders are issued by the National Health Service or by specialists or recognised centres. Certificates for under eighteens are valid for three years and after 18 are open-ended. 

The University can request a legalised translation if the documentation is not in Italian. 

All disabled students, or those with specific learning disabilities, who make a request for assistance during the entrance exam will have a meeting with a member of the academic staff in the days prior to the exam. Following the meeting the academic staff member will decide what assistance will be provided to each person. 

Candidates with a disability certificate and candidates with a certificate for specific learning disabilities will have, in any case, extra time to complete the exam. 

Further levels of assistance can also be provided for specific situations. The following are examples: non-scientific calculator, a video magnifier, audible text.  

Any students applying for degree courses where there are no entrance exams do not have to send any documentation before they matriculate. 

Following matriculation

Following matriculation disabled students or those with specific learning disorders can send an email to the Students Office (Ufficio Diritto allo studio and Segreterie Studenti diritto-studio@univda.it) asking for a meeting with the academic member of staff appointed to provide support. This should be done during the first couple of weeks of lessons but can be possible throughout the year. 

The following are examples of potential assistance: 

Just for disabled students: 

  • A support tutor (non-teaching)

For disabled students or those with specific learning disorder:  

  • Different exam conditions from the norm, keeping in mind the individual’s abilities: extra time for written exams. 
  • Text in a digital format.
  • The use of vocal synthesis applications.
  • The use of other technological instruments to facilitate both study and exams.