
Alma Laurea

AlmaLaurea is an innovative service that places CVs online from graduates from numerous Italian universities and aims to be a meeting point for graduates, universities and companies.

Logo AlmaLaurea

 AlmaLaurea is a public Interuniversity Consortium, which our University belongs to and it represents over 75 per cent of graduates in Italy. AlmaLaurea (www.almalaurea.it) was established in 1994 as a meeting place for young people, universities and companies, setting itself two important objectives:

  • gathering information and opinions from graduates (on behalf of universities) so as to know what courses they studied and their current employment status. The analyses and statistics obtained from the survey are public and can guide young people in their university and employment choices and orientate university governing bodies in planning their educational activities;
  • making CVs available online from new graduates and graduates with several years’ working experience. The online AlmaLaurea Database increases on average each year with a further 150,000 new CVs, translated into English. It is a unique instrument of its kind in Italy in relation to size, quality and promptness. It is a model in Europe which favours the entry of graduates into the world of work and facilitates their career aspirations.
When students request to sit their degree, the universities belonging to AlmaLaurea ask their graduands to fill in and return a questionnaire (which ensures privacy) regarding their opinions on their degree courses (in accordance with the obligations imposed on universities by the Italian University Ministry) but also some personal, curricular information. The data, which is grouped together and anonymous, is used by the Ministry to evaluate universities and by AlmaLaurea to carry out their surveys on graduates. A part of the documentation is then used to write the CV of the individual graduates, which are then included in the AlmaLaurea database with their consent.

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