Barbiero, G., Berto, R., Maculan, N., e Venturella, A. (2024). Biophilic Design: migliora l’apprendimento a scuola e rinforza il sentimento di affiliaizone con la Natura. Ingenio https://www.ingenio-web.it/articoli/biophilic-design-migliora-l-apprendimento-a-scuola-e-rinforza-il-sentimento-di-affiliazione-con-la-natura/
Barbiero, G., Berto, R., Fumagalli, N. & Senes, G. (2023). Wilderness Is the Prototype of Nature Regardless of the Individual’s Connection to Nature. An Empirical Verification of the Solastalgia Effect. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 6354. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20146354
Berto, R., & Barbiero, G. (2022). Biophilia. Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0239
Berto, R., Barbiero, G., & Salingaros, N.A. (2022). Exploring biophilic design of building facades from the Evolutionary Psychology framework: Visual Attention Software and Perceived Restorativeness compared. Visions for Sustainability. DOI:10.13135/2384-8677/7054
Berto, R., Barbiero, G., & Nasar, J.L. (2022). Editorial: Biophilic Design Rationale: Theory, Methods, and Applications. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.978689
Barbiero, G., Berto, R., Venturella, A. & Maculan, N. (2021). Bracing Biophilia: When biophilic design promotes pupil’s attentional performance, perceived restorativeness and affiliation with Nature. Environment, Development and Sustainability. DOI:10.1007/s10668-021-01903-1
Barbiero, G., & Berto, R. (2021). Biophilia as evolutionary adaptation: an onto- and phylogenetic framework for biophilic design. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 700-709. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.700709
Berto, R. (2020). It is undeniable that Nature has to be restorative to restore attention, otherwise the effect is unreliable. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 71, 101495, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101495
Di Carmine, F., & Berto, R. (2020). Contact with Nature can help ADHD children to cope with their symptoms. The state of the evidence and future directions for research. Visions for Sustainability. 14, 1-11. DOI: 10.13135/2384-8677/4883
Berto, R. (2020). Commentary, in B., Neilson, C.M., Craig, R.Y., Curiel, & M., Klein, Restoring Attentional Resources With Nature: A Replication Study of Berto’s (2005) Paradigm. Including Commentary From Dr. Rita Berto. Human Factors, DOI: 10.1177/0018720820909287
Fumagalli, N., Maccarini, M., Rovelli, R., Berto, R., & Senes, G. (2020). An Exploratory Study of Users’ Preference for Different Planting Combinations along Rural Greenways. Sustainability, 12, 1-19. DOI: 10.3390/su12052120
Berto, R., Maculan, N., & Barbiero, G. (2020). Does sustainability address perceived restoration? An exploratory study on Biosphera 2.0, a net zero energy house. Visions for Sustainability, DOI: 10.13135/2384-8677/4181
Berto, R. (2019). Our wellbeing in modern built environments is rooted in our evolutionary history. Are we aware of this? Visions for Sustainability –Special Issue “Wellbeing in daily built environments”, 11, 3-8. DOI: 10.13135/2384-8677/3381
Berto, R., Barbiero, G. (2019). Luce rigenerativa: ecco come progettare la luce per il benessere psicofisico. OLEVMAG07, 7, 4-11.
Senes, G., Pernechele, L., Berto, R., Fumagalli, N., Barbiero, G. (2018). Natural rural landscape perception and restorativeness. In A. Leone & C. Gargiulo (Eds.), Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design. (pp. 52 – 55). Naples: FedOAPress. ISBN: 978-88-6887-048-5, DOI: 10.6093/978-88-6887-048-5
Berto, R., Barbiero, G., Barbiero, P., & Senes, G. (2018). An Individual’s Connection to Nature Can Affect Perceived Restorativeness of Natural Environments. Some Observations about Biophilia. Behavioral Sciences, 8, 34. DOI: 10.3390/bs8030034
Barbiero, G., & Berto, R. (2018). From biophilia to naturalist intelligence passing through perceived restorativeness and connection to Nature. Annals of Reviews and Research, 3(1), 1-6.
Pasini, M., Berto, R., & Brondino, M. (2018). Can the Physical Environment Play a role on Workers’ Safety Outcomes? A Brief Commentary on Restorative Design at the Workplace. Ergonomics International Journal, 2(4),1-5. DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000153
Berto, R., & Barbiero, G. (2017). Biophilic Quality Index: come rendere “rigenerativo” l’edificio nZE. Azero, 25, 88-95.ISSN: 2239-9445
Nota G., Marian, R.G., Callegari, G., Berto, R., & Barbiero, G. (2017). When Biophilic Design Meets Restorative Architecture: the Strambinello Project. Visions for Sustainability, 8, 46-58. DOI: 10.13135/2384-8677/2490
Berto, R., & Barbiero, G. (2017). The Biophilic Quality Index: A Tool to Improve a Building from “Green” to Restorative. Visions for Sustainability, 8. DOI: 10.13135/2384-8677/0000
Berto, R., & Barbiero, G. (2017). How the Psychological Benefits Associated with Exposure to Nature Can Affect Pro-Environmental Behavior. Annals of Cognitive Science, 1(1), 16-20. DOI: 10.36959/447/336
Berto, R. & Pasini, M. (2017). “Legati” alla Natura fin da bambini, per diventare adulti che hanno cura dell’ambiente. Paesaggi e Psiche, numero monografico, 46, 61-67. ISSN 2280-3998
Berto, R., Baroni, M.R., Damiani, D., e Duchek, J. (2015), Can exposure to fascinating stimuli affect performance in mentally fatigued people? A study on encoding and retrieval. International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, 2(4), 1-6.
Berto, R., Barbiero, G., Pasini, M. & Unema, P. (2015), Biophilic design triggers fascination and enhances psychological restoration in the urban environment.Journal of Biourbanism, 1, 26-35.
Berto, R., Pasini, M., & Barbiero, G. (2015), How does psychological restoration work in children? An exploratory study. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior, 3(3), 1-9.
Berto, R. (2014). The role of nature in coping with psycho-physiological stress. A literature review of restorativeness. Behavioral Science, special issue: Advances in Environmental Psychology, 4, 394–409 DOI: 10.3390/bs4040394.
Berto, R. & Barbiero, G. (2014). Mindful silence produces long lasting attentional performance in children. Visions for Sustainability, 2, 49-60 DOI: 10.7401/visions.02.04
Pasini, M., Berto, R., Brondino, M., Hall, R., e Ortner C. (2014). How to measure the restorative quality of environments: The PRS-11. Procedia –Social and Behavioral Sciences, 159, 293-297.
Barbiero, G., Berto, R., Freire, D.D., Ferrando, M., & Camino, E. (2014). Unveiling biophilia in children using active silence training: an experimental approach. Visions for Sustainability, 1, 31-38.
Galli, M., Pagliaro, G., & Berto, R. (2014). Un contributo della psicologia ambientale alla psicologia della personalità: la percezione del valore rigenerativo di un luogo e sensation seeking. Uno studio esplorativo. Scienze dell’Interazione, 1(2), 79-87.
Berto, R., & Barbiero, G. (2012), Biofilia e meditazione di consapevolezza. Il silenzio attivo favorisce una prestazione attentiva di lunga durata nei bambini. Culture della Sostenibilità, 10, 140-160.
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Barbiero, G., Berto, R., & Pasini, M. (2011). Biophilia in practice: Children perceive the restorative value of Nature and this improves performance in attention test. In: XXI Atti del Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia. Palermo 3-6 Ottobre 2011, p. 245.
Berto, R., Baroni, M.R., Zainaghi, A., & Bettella, S. (2010). An exploratory study on the effect of high and low fascination environments on attentional fatigue. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 494-500.
Pasini, M., Berto, R., Scopelliti, M., & Carrus, G. (2009). Measuring the restorative value of the environment: Contribution to the validation of Italian version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 257, 3-11.
Hagerhall, C., & Berto, R. (2008). Do restorative environments share fractals structural properties? An exploratory research. In M. Bonaiuto, M. Bonnes, A.M. Nenci, & G. Carrus, (eds.), Urban diversities, biosphere and well being: designing and managing our common environment. IAPS 20 Atti del convegno su CD-Rom, Roma, 28 Luglio-1 Agosto 2008.
Berto, R., Massaccesi, S., & Pasini, M. (2008). Do eye movements measured across high and low fascination photographs differ? Addressing Kaplan’s fascination hypothesis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28, 185-191.
Paccagnella, A., Mauri, A., Berto, R., Falchero, S., Baruffi, C., Marcon, M.L., Faronato, P.P., Dal Ben, G., & Foscolo, G. (2007). Biopsychological approach to home enteral nutrition: Measures of subjective satisfaction and quality of life. Minerva Medica, 98(1), 5-17.
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Berto, R. (2007). Assessing the restorative value of the environment: A study on the elderly in comparison with younger adults and adolescents. International Journal of Psychology, 42(5), 331-341.
Hidalgo, M.C., Berto, R., Paz, M.G., & Getrevi, A. (2006). Identifying attractive and unattractive urban places: categories, restorativeness and aesthetic attributes. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 7(2), 115-133.
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Berto, R. (2005). Exposure to restorative environments helps restore attentional capacity. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25, 249-259.
Berto, R., Peron, E. & Purcell, A.T. (2002). What type of scene do people say are restorative? In R. Garcia Mira, J.M. Sabucedo, & J. Romay (eds.). Quality of Life, Problems and Challenger for New Millennium. IAPS 17 Atti del convegno, Madrid (Spagna) 23-27 Luglio 2002, p. 818.
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Berto, R. (2003). Nuove prospettive della preferenza ambientale: l’aspetto restorative dei luoghi. In R. Baroni e S. Falchero (a cura di) Psicologia Ambientale e Dintorni: Ricordo di Mimma Peron, Atti del convegno, Padova, 25-26 Maggio 2001, pp. 43-49.
Peron, E., Berto, R., & Purcell, A.T. (2002). Restorativeness, preference and the perceived naturalness of Places. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 3(1), 19-34.
Peron, E., Berto, R. (2001). Lugares deprimentes y lugares qui son el contrario: una investigation exploradora. Medio Ambiente y Comportamento Humano, 2(1), 79-81.
Hernandez, B., Hidalgo, C., Berto, R., & Peron, E. (2001). The role of familiarity on the restorative value of a place. Research on a Spanish sample. IAPS Bulletin (International Association for Study of People and their Physical Surroundings), 18, 22-24.
Purcell, A.T., Peron, E., & Berto, R. (2001). Why do preferences differ between scene types? Environment and Behavior, 33(1), 93-106.
Purcell, A.T., Peron, E., & Berto R. (2000). Relationship between perceived restorativeness value and preference for different environmental categories. In G. Moser, et al. (eds.). Metropolis 2000 –Which Perspectives? Cities, Social Life and Sustainable development. IAPS 16 Atti del convegno su CD-Rom. Parigi (Francia) 4-7 Luglio 2000.