
Berto Rita

  • Email: rita.berto@univda.it

GREEN LEAF – Groupe de Recherche en Education à l’Environnement et à la Nature, Laboratorio di Ecologia Affettiva. Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste, Italy.

e-mail: rita.berto@univda.it ; rita.berto@hotmail.it

PhD in Perception and Psychophysics, she is a psychologist specialized in environmental psychology. She was Visiting Research Associate in Psychology (Honorary) at the Washington University in St. Louis (MO, USA), and professor of Environmental Psychology and Cognitive Psychology at the University of Padova (Italy). She is author of a book on environmental stress (Stress Ambientale. Cause e Strategie di Intervento. Baroni-Berto, Carocci editore, 2013) and one on biophilia (Introduzione alla Biofilia. La Relazione con la Natura tra Genetica e Psicologia. Barbiero-Berto, Carocci editore, 2016) and of numerous research articles. She was guest editor of the special issues “Wellbeing in Daily Built Environments” for Visions for Sustainability and “Biophilic Design Rationale: Theory, Methods and Applications” for Frontiers in Psychology. She develops her main research activity at the GREEN LEAF, University of Valle d’Aosta (Italy) but she is also research advisor of granted projects, holds classes/seminars on different environmental psychology issues and is consultant of restorative environment and biophilic design.


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